Unicorn Wishes Party

Regular price $350.00
Unit price per
Unicron Wishes Party (virtual)
In this whimsical world even your most magical wishes will come true.
- Design your own Unicorn drawstring backpack
- Cotton candy treat
- Create your own sparkling Unicorn poop slime
- Pottery painting (items vary)
- Paint your own celebration cookie (designs vary)
- Three permanent markers
- Inspirational birthday game
- Disco dance party
- Virtual party host
- Digital invitations
Includes party kit for each guest with all required supplies. Gender neutral options available. Please contact us for details.
Duration: 90 minutes
Price: $344 for 6 guests (each additional guest: $49)
We will contact you five days before your party to review all party details. Additional guests will be added to your booking at that time. Please have your final guest numbers confirmed by this time.